Game Summaries & Headlines.
MNVB vs. McCluer
9.0 years ago @ 3:36AM
- Game Date
- Sep 8, 2015
- Score
- STARSMccluer North High School: 2
Star Nation was rocking in the main gym as the volley ball team began their division title defense yesterday. The stars welcomed arch rival McCluer and were off to an outstanding start as the Freshman squad quickly defeated the Comets in two quick games to raise their record to four and four, followed by the JV girls who also won in two games, getting their second win of the season. Then came time for the Varsity ladies to show what they could do. The Stars were off in the first game, serving the ball into the net and making mental errors, losing 21-25, but the next two games were all Stars. Senior Meoni Jones and Junior Eryiana Simmons led the way as they hammered every ball that barely came over the net back down with authority. The ladies won the next two 25-21 both times and are 1-0 to start division play. Thanks to all the fans who came out to support the girls, and a special thanks to Dr. Schuler who has fallen in love with volleyball and could not sit down the entire varsity match.