Stars Athletics

Mccluer North High School

Boys Varsity Baseball

Off-Season Workout Schedule



McCluer North Stars Baseball Off Season Open Gym and Weight Room Schedule

Winter 2019--Spring 2020


The following is the list of dates for weight room(WR) and open gym(OG) session for our off-season program.  Each session is conducted on the same date.  All players not already involved in a winter sport should report for duty on each of these dates for continued conditioning, weight training, and technique improvement opportunities during the winter months.  


December:   (WR is 4:30-5:30, OG-6--7:30p Annex Gym)

3rd, 5th, 10th, 12th, 17th, 19th, 23rd, 26th, 30th


January:  (WR is 4:30-5:30, OG-6--7:30p Annex Gym)

2nd, 7th, 9th, 14th, 16th, 21st, 23rd, 28th, 30th 


February: (WR is 4:30-5:30, OG-6--7:30p Annex Gym)

4th, 6th, 11th, 13th 


**In the event a facility is unavailable, we reserve the right to change dates



February 17th--21st DEAD WEEK--NO CONTACT--all potential players must have a doctor’s physical on file with the Athletic Office prior to tryouts.  Students will not be allowed to tryout unless that is verified through the AD office.  

All students must have eligible credits in order to try out for the program.


February 24th

Tryouts and Season Start

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