2015-2016 Boys Swim Team

Boys Best Times
Updated on 06/10/2022
Boys top times are available in the team files section of the webpage.
Hazelwood East Results/Tj's Pick UP
Updated on 06/10/2022
The Results to the Hazelwood East meet are in the team files link on our webpage. Also TJ's pick-up will be next Thursday Oct. 8th at 4 PM. Please make arrangements to pick up your orders and let your customers know the arrival date. Parents may come up during or at the begining or end of practice. We would like to avoid having to take your orders home with us because we do not have sufficient storage.
Results from FZW Relay Meet
Updated on 06/10/2022
I have attached uthe results in the "team file" section of the swimming link. Great job swimmers and parents on a successful fundraiser! We were able to meet our goal of over a thousand dollars! Thank you for the support.
TJs Reminder
Updated on 06/10/2022
TJs orders and money are due Friday, also Fancloth order were due last week. Orders are being placed today.
Fundraiser Reminder
Updated on 06/10/2022
Reminder, Fancloth orders are due tomorrow Friday the 11th. Tj's Pizza orders are due next Friday the 18th. If at all possible please collect money and send one check to McCluer North High School attn. Boys Swim. Thank you,
Suit Money Due ASAP
Updated on 06/10/2022
The suits are in. Several swimmers paid on Friday and received their suit. Please send a check or 36 dollars cash asap. All checks made to McCluer North High School. Our first meet is this Friday at Bangert pool. I'm still waiting on volunteers to run the concession stand. If someone who like to lead the organization of the concessions this year it would be much appreciated. I have a scorer and announcer for the meet already. Remember to bring lawn chairs or get there early for the bleachers. NO one is allowed on deck unless they are working the meet.
Suit and Jacket Images and Prices
Updated on 06/10/2022
The suits are in. I have attached the image and prices in the team files link on the Boys Swimming Page. We will distribute suits on Friday. Please make check payable to McCluer North or have cash. The price is 36 for the suit. The Jacket is optional, many of the boys got jackets last season, the price with embroidery is on the file as well. We have older Under Armour white jackets for the boys who wish not to purchase. However these do not match the current Nike Jackets many of the boys have. I would like to have all suits paid for by Friday if possible. I would like all jacket orders by Wednesday Sept. 2nd so we can get jackets here and embroidered promptly. Thank you.
MN Relay Info
Updated on 06/10/2022
There will be an admission charge for the relay meet at the gate of $3 dollars for adults. The meet will begin at 3:30 on Friday Sept.4th. Your son will need to be at pool by 2:15 that day.
Also please email me at sbraswell@fergflor.org if you are able to help out either announcing, scoring, or selling concessions.
If someone would like to be in charge of concession this year please let me know this week so we can organize it before the meet next week. Thank you
Fundraiser Information
Updated on 06/10/2022
All fundraising information and packets have been distributed to the boys. The due dates are as follows:
Fancloth- Due on Friday Sept. 11th
?TJ's- Due on Friday Sept. 18th
Best form of Payment- One check coming from parent, made out to McCluer North
Parents please assist your son in this process. Please take with you to work, church groups, scouts, etc.
We have some major equipment items that will need to be purchased in the coming year, so we need to generate funds any way we can. Thank you for your participation
Coach Braswell
?Any questions my number is 348-0192
Conference Pre-Lims and Finals Results
Updated on 06/10/2022
The Results to the Conference Pre-Lims and Finals are posted in the Team Files Section. Riki will be sending out a survey soon to get a feel for where we would like to hold the banquet. We are shooting for late November. Thanks for a wonderful season. I will be writing a meet recap soon and posting it on our page.
Results for Hazelwood Central, West, and Best Times
Updated on 06/10/2022
Results for week of 10/5-10/9 are available under the team files link.
FZN Invite Results
Updated on 06/10/2022
All recent relay meet and invite results can be found on the team files section of the webpage. Reminder TJS pickup Thursday at 4. Jackets should be in this week some time as well for those who ordered.